About 20 years ago I got up one morning and went to the gym for an early morning work-out. I was staying in a hotel in Jacksonville, Florida, speaking at a convention. Little did I know I was about to have an “important encounter”. While I was working out that morning, I met another gentleman in the hotel gym by the name of Lou Samara. We sort of helped each other out with the weights during our morning work-out program. After we finished, we struck up a conversation about business and life in general. We were both amazed at how many views we held in common. The conversation led to further interactions over the coming days and weeks and months. I soon realized I had met a new friend.

About 20 years ago I got up one morning and went to the gym for an early morning work-out. I was staying in a hotel in Jacksonville, Florida, speaking at a convention. Little did I know I was about to have an “important encounter”. While I was working out that morning, I met another gentleman in the hotel gym by the name of Lou Samara. We sort of helped each other out with the weights during our morning work-out program. After we finished, we struck up a conversation about business and life in general. We were both amazed at how many views we held in common. The conversation led to further interactions over the coming days and weeks and months. I soon realized I had met a new friend.

Over the years, we have had many opportunities to interact with one another. We have both been through some challenging experiences in life. We have been able to coach one another and encourage each other through the good times as well as the more difficult ones. Who would have thought that simply going to the gym could produce such lifelong results!

In this book, Lou has poured out his heart and life to help give the reader guidance and encouragement for daily living. None of us gets to choose the events that come our way, but we all get to choose how we respond to them. Someone once wisely noted that life is about 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it! That is why I like Lou Samara as well as this excellent book he has written; it helps us on this journey called life!

This book is not theory, it is an experience! The way we deal with the events of life is up to each one of us. However, it is important that we have guidance along the way from someone older or wiser than ourselves to help show us how to walk the path of life in such a manner as to bring about good results. That is what this book is.



Robert A. Rohm, Ph.D.
President, Personality Insights, Inc.
Atlanta, GA